Monday, 10 December 2012

First Officer also known as Number One... Post.

Gday!.... after thinking about writing a blog for some time, I am now here and have nothing to say. I guess that is pretty normal, "oh no now I'm nervous", some sort of performance anxiety?!

I can't guarantee I will be witty beyond reproach, I can't guarantee perfect grammar or spelling...

But as I settle into telling some of my life stories, I'm hoping that those little things that might annoy you, might also fall by the wayside, and be taken over by enjoying what you are reading, having a laugh (at my expense), and sharing what you read with other as you see a bit of yourself in what I am writing...

Why, you ask ,would I think that my stories are worthy of reading or sharing... I'm not a hundred percent sure, but almost every day I tell some sort of story of some event that has happened to me, and for whatever reason, people seem to appreciate them, take something from them, and normally have a bit of a laugh. I think it might have something to do with following my dreams and achieving everything I have wanted to so far in life... I like to inspire.

That is my hope for you.

I am writing under a pseudonym as some of my stories involve personal information of complete innocents (I'll let you be the judge of that), some famous, some not so famous people and places.

So take a seat, relax and enjoy the ride.

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